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Feng Shui, an Eastern concept founded on the flow of energy (Chi) in the natural and built environment, informs and structures physical and mental landscapes in Asia. Originating in Ancient China almost 3000 years ago, it has remained a very valuable way of making sense of the world, and thrives in places like Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore. In these places, Feng Shui is implemented at large and small scales—from the architecture of important buildings and structures, to a small object placed in a specific location in the home that will bring prosperity. People who accumulate wisdom and knowledge about this field are called Feng Shui Masters (or Grandmasters), who provide consultancy services and personal readings.

In Europe, there is a network of Feng Shui consultants, who practice different schools of Feng Shui. They provide consultancy services, personal advice, conduct workshops and thrive as businesses. Occasionally, they face challenges in approaching a Western audience, who sometimes regard Feng Shui with apprehension. However, they each adopt an individual and unique approach, and tailor Feng Shui to bring the most value to their audience.

This publication, which provides a glimpse into the Feng Shui landscape in Europe, contains information about the key concepts of Feng Shui, interviews with the consultants, and other visual representations of this spiritual practice. It also includes a conversation with a claircognizant Feng Shui master based in Hong Kong, who shares about the visual aspect of energies.
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